6 Months Left Of 2022?!

6 Months Left Of 2022?!

We have 6 months left of this year, are you 1. Motivated? 2. Overwhelmed?

Ask yourself this. How much time does something really take to accomplish? Before answering this question, a better question is: How much time do you actually have?

Once you’ve answered that question, you’ll then be able to ask: Where is all of your time going? Only then can you determine how long something really needs to take or if you're wasting time.

The average month has 720 hours (30 days X 24 hours).

  • If you sleep 8 hours per day (8 hours X 30 days = 240 hours), you’d have 480 hours left.
  • If you work 40 hours per week (40 hours X 4 weeks = 160 hours), you’d have 320 hours left
  • If you spend 2 hours eating per day (2 hours X 30 days = 60 hours), you’d have 280 hours left.

 So, the question is, what are you doing with those 280 hours? 

Maybe the problem isn't a lack of time; maybe discipline is the problem?

Maybe you are like me and have been riding an emotional rollercoaster. My motivation wanes and dips; from marathon completing ambition to awkwardly slow days. My weeks are a blend of consistency mixed in with periods of energy slumps.

Even with all of these emotions going on, I made a promise to myself — to exercise every single day. This goes for you too.

Exercise every single day.

As we all try and maintain the momentum, here are some goals to work towards over the next six months.

1. Get A Physical Exam

Getting a physical exam is crucial for your health regardless of your activity levels. A physical exam measures important vital signs including your resting heart rate, your BMI, your height and weight, blood pressure, and pulse.

Once you’ve monitored your physical health and know exactly what’s going on, it’s easier to see where things can be improved.

2. Get Mindful About Your Sleep

One of the reasons you might struggle to maintain a fitness habit is due to sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation leads to changes in mood, slower muscle recovery, an increase in the level of stress hormones, and can lead to weight gain.

Use a sleep tracking app. Sleep trackers measure various aspects of sleep including movement, heart rate, sound, and lifestyle choices. You simply place it under your pillow each night and snooze to dreamland while it tracks your sleep.

3.Declutter Your House

Clutter plays a significant role in how we feel about ourselves. Messy homes and workspaces can lead to a feeling of overwhelm and helplessness. Clutter draws your focus from what you need to achieve; leading to a constant feeling of incompletion.

Decluttering your fitness can involve going through home equipment, discarding what you don’t use, and organising what you do. It can involve getting rid of old workout gear and cancelling subscriptions.

It can also involve reviewing your fitness goals, your current lifestyle choices, and habits that stand in the way of overall mental and physical wellness.

4. Include More Activities

Variety is the spice of life and more so in your fitness program. Different activities work out different parts of your body and help ward off boredom and monotony. Try swimming, yoga, Zumba, or hiking. Not only does it keep you excited, it workouts different muscle sets helping you get a full-body workout.

The more fun you have, the more likely you will be to stick to a lifelong fitness habit.

5. Incorporate Strength Training Into Your Routine

The cardio vs weights debate is a timeless one.

Does dripping in sweat lead to better results? Or will heavy lifting help you reach your goals? It’s kind of impossible to say that one is better than the other because, in physical exercise, versatility is key and comes with several benefits. While cardio has been shown to burn more calories per session, weight training helps build more muscles and muscles burn more calories at rest than some other tissues.

There is no one size fits all routine, a combination of weights and cardio may be best for improving your body composition.

6.Schedule Rest Days Into Your Workouts

When it comes to working out, rest days are as important as your workout days. Rest is necessary for avoiding exercise-induced fatigue. Exercise makes little tears in your muscles which your body has to repair and rebuild. This rebuilding process occurs during your rest days and when you sleep.

A rest day doesn’t mean you have to sit on the couch all day. Instead, consider the idea of an active rest day. A bit of movement can increase blood flow thereby reducing soreness and speeding recovery. Consider trying a gentle yoga class, an easy bike ride, a brisk walk, or even a light jog.

But sometimes a day of rest, recovery and laziness is exactly what you need.

A rest day isn’t a waste of time.

It’s an essential component of a balanced exercise routine.

There is something magical about exercise. Being able to move your body and exert yourself can give you a fulfilment no words can explain. Each moment injects a new meaning to life, it’s nothingness and abundance at the same time.

If you'd like my guidance and support to start, or maybe 'restart', sign ups are still open for my upcoming challenge. Check it out and message me if you need anything or have any questions.

All my love,

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