My Healthy Fat-loss Tips đŸ”„

My Healthy Fat-loss Tips đŸ”„

I often get asked, "Vee, how can I lose a lot of weight in a very short space of time?"

The truth is, it is unhealthy to lose 10kgs in 2 weeks, or even a month. If you were to do so it would be by starving yourself and that is so bad for your body!

Every day, ladies are overwhelmed by ads on social media, TV, and almost anywhere they look. Many promise to help you “lose 10kgs in just 1 week,” “get a flat tummy in 7 days,” or “lose 10kgs, fast!”

Yes, losing excess body fat can improve your overall health and be achieved via safe, sustainable methods.

But, using unhealthy weight loss methods, focusing solely on short-term fat loss, and being overly obsessive with your weight can be problematic and take a toll on your physical and mental health.

Fast weight loss is possible, but unhealthy. It’s also likely that you’ll gain the weight as soon as you return to your normal eating and lifestyle practices.

Extreme, rapid weight loss methods, including crash diets and overexercising, aren’t the best choices for long-term weight loss or maintenance. They can lead to weight cycling, a loss of muscle mass, and more.

✅ My healthy, sustainable weight loss tips

Instead of trying to lose a ton of weight quickly, try using my tips to create long-term, sustainable and healthy weight loss habits.

  1. Figure out why you want to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you probably have a few reasons why. Wanting to feel better and look better is pretty common.

I have found that focusing on nonappearance-related motivators, such as improved stamina and mood or reduced triglyceride and blood pressure levels, may up your odds of successful long-term weight loss.

  1. Be realistic

It’s important to choose realistic, reasonable goals. Aim for slow, steady weight loss, something attainable that is not going to make you unhappy.

How much weight you want to lose? What are your overall health and lifestyle preferences? Don’t set yourself up for failure by restricting yourself which in the end may cause you to binge eat or become depressed.

Working with a coach can help you determine a safe and reasonable weight loss goal — and how to get there.

  1. Avoid being restrictive

Juice cleanses, 500-calorie-a-day plans, influencer “weight loss challenges,” liquid diets, and programs that rely on stimulants or fat burners are just a few examples of diets to avoid.

Weight loss is not about punishing yourself or suffering through a diet that you hate. A healthy, sustainable, balanced lifestyle should be nourishing, enjoyable, and give you the energy you need to feel your best.

  1. Do what you love

Shifting your focus from weight loss to improved fitness can increase your overall health and reduce your disease risk. This doesn’t mean you need to participate in daily, intense exercise.

Instead, simply being more active e.g.  participating in activities that you enjoy like hiking, walking, biking, and swimming — can help you maintain weight loss over time and improve your overall health.

  1. Choose small calorie reductions

Most crash diets and fast weight loss programs harshly restrict calories. This can totally make the number on the scale go down quickly, it can also cause metabolic adaptations e.g. increased hunger, loss of lean body mass and eating disorders.

Significantly cutting calories can negatively affect your mood and energy, leaving you feeling miserable and demotivated.

To promote slow weight loss and minimize negative metabolic adaptations, choose small calorie deficits of about 200–300 calories per day rather than 1,000 calories or more.

  1. Get help from the right people

Weight loss — especially the sustainable, long-term kind — can be challenging and feel isolating.

Working with a registered coach or a therapist can help you reach your health and wellness goals easier. They can also advise you on safe, evidence-based ways to support your physical and mental health.

Be wary of anyone offering nutrition or mental health advice who doesn’t have the proper credentials, such as self-proclaimed social media “experts.”

Following a weight loss plan from an unqualified person can be detrimental, especially if it involves extreme calorie restriction, weight loss supplements, liquid cleanses, or extreme exercise routines.

  1. Be kind to yourself

Remember that you are so much more than your appearance.

Your body deserves nourishment and respect, no matter how you think you look or how much you currently weigh.

Losing excess weight can improve your overall health and self-esteem, but how you approach weight loss can affect physical and mental health.

Losing weight or improving health shouldn’t be painful or make you feel bad about yourself. If you’re currently following a program that does, ditch it now.

Instead, take the time to develop a plan that puts your future health first, prioritising nourishing, nutrient-dense foods, enjoyable movement, stress reduction, getting enough sleep, and plenty of self-care.

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1 comment

Your tips are so helpful! I’m glad for this community :) I followed a really harsh diet before and it wasn’t worth it! Yes, I lost the weight fast but the emotional and mental toll it took was not worth it :( I’m so glad to have the Vpack because I know whenever I need advice there’s always someone there :)

Pascale Quevauvilliers

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